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friendship tricks part 2

Friendship Hacks that's very Helpful

remember if you know the trick to genuinely interested with people you can make more friends in a month than expecting another person to be interested in you and you won't be able to make friends in years through this medium (wanting them to be interested in you,  be real, be on point, that's how you ...

2. be a good listener, encourage them to talk about themselves.
well, let's get to the point that we all love to talk about ourselves, we like to talk about our achievements and blah blah blah ......
so it's not easy to find the area that he finds well to brag or talk about so to fins that let's move to the next tip down 

3. Be a good listener

most of the times we don't listen to understand, but we listen to reply. the ability to listen and be present in a conversation is something that most of the time we tend to ignore, while our buddy speaks we already come with thoughts that in our minds maybe not even related to the Conversation.
Think, and then grasp his point and render your answer.

As bruce lee said " the most dangerous person is the guy who is Silent, listens, and observe "
and prophet Ali (p.b.h) Also said " as your knowledge increases your speech decreases"


4. if you want to win an argument, just avoid it 
come on, nowadays there is nothing left in arguing .just try to first talk on points that you two mutually agree then,  don't even talk about each other different perspective.

5. Have respect for other person opinions and perspectives
no matter what, everyone will walk out from a table that respect isn't served there.
you respect, then you will be respected


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